第四百零四章 目标—甲虫之墙(2 / 2)


2017-02-11 10:18:08,055 20 debug addchapterlistlog null - onupdatebookchapterforsiirly棋斗士9994我们|0|最终|176| ranenfilesarticle1515542dexhtl

2017-02-11 10:18:08,585 75 debug addchapterlistlog null - autorrectbookchapter丹器之神6537我们|0|最终|78| qidianbookreader3422703aspx

2017-02-11 10:18:09,131 75 debug addchapterlistlog null - autorrectbookchapter众神眷恋的幻想乡8302我们|0|最终|1| qidianbookreader3054565aspx

2017-02-11 10:18:10,301 75 debug addchapterlistlog null - autorrectbookchapter凉人10042我们|0|最终|2| qidianbookreader3457156aspx

2017-02-11 10:18:10,473 77 debug addchapterlistlog null - onupdatebookchapter梦起香江68489我们|619|最终|1| zaiduzaidu84

2017-02-11 10:18:10,551 43 debug addchapterlistlog null - onupdatebookchapter美女总裁之贴身高手113801我们|595|最终|6| zaiduzaidu194796

2017-02-11 10:18:10,972 75 deb 18 debug globallog null - 已经处理出错小说id为84545,名称为大巨星的小说

2017-02-11 10:18:02,173 16 error globallog null - the error on the server side stat de: 503

2017-02-11 10:18:02,392 18 error globallog null -

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2017-02-11 10:18:02,392 18 debug globallog null - autorrectbookchapter从网站《》获取书名为《穿越:异世文殊传》,id为85234的小说章节目录失败!

2017-02-11 10:18:02,392 18 debug globallog null - 已经处理出错小说id为85234,名称为穿越:异世文殊传的小说

2017-02-11 10:18:02,922 10 error globallog null - the error on the client side stat de: 404

xexception: the error on the client side stat de: 404

at xreestcheckstatdehtttatde statde d:\\de\\novelspider\\x\\x\\\\reestcs:le 2451

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at novelrerobotonupdatebookiatbookitebyxutoaddbookrule autoaddbookrule, strg bookurl, t32 bookid d:\\de\\novelspider\\novelre\\robot\\book\\onupdatebookiacs:le 112

2017-02-11 10:18:03,000 18 debug globallog null - 书名为《我被女鬼勾了魂》,id为90345的小说在修正过程中清除dextxt失败,请检查

2017-02-11 10:18:03,000 18 debug globallog null - 已经处理出错小说id为90345,名称为我被女鬼勾了魂的小说

2017-02-11 10:18:04,045 10 error globallog null - the error on the client side stat de: 404

xexception: the error on the client side stat de: 404

at xreestcheckstatdehtttatde statde d:\\de\\novelspider\\x\\x\\\\reestcs:le 2451

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2017-02-11 10:18:05,153 10 error globallog null - the error on the client side stat de: 404

xexception: the error on the client side stat de: 404

at xreestcheckstatdehtttatde statde d:\\de\\novelspider\\x\\x\\\\reestcs:le 2451

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